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Stories and Remembrances

If you have a story or a tribute that you would like to share,
please send it to us via our "contact" page.
Rob Beiko

Last night was beautiful. Snow began at 7, intensified through the night, and turned the world white before it finally tapered off in the early morning.

In this early morning, my mother Kitty Beiko left the world. She was 69, and her and my father's 48th wedding anniversary would have been on the 13th. Dad was with her and held her hand for the last few hours as she faded and finally slipped away.

Her death is a surprise and not a surprise, all at once. As many of you know, Mom had significant health problems, especially since March of last year. These problems took their toll, but lately she had been in better spirits and feeling optimistic about the future. Up until two weeks ago she was telling me every day how much better she was feeling, and how she was approaching her recovery goals. But things took a sudden turn for the worse, and after a rapid decline she is gone.

Mom was a second mother by many people whom she had helped raise, or stepped in to help when help was needed. She was caring and empathetic like few others I have known. Her commitment to education was complete: I remember from an early age filling in advanced math workbooks for "fun", and I never wanted for good books or chances to learn something new in creative ways.

Her life was not easy at times. But the last few years were filled with people she cared about a great deal, and who in turn cared about her. In addition to her grandsons, Donna Alteen, Elena Alteen Dikaios, and Amy Rizzuto brought a lot of joy into her last few years. Thanks too to the folks at the QEII who did their best to manage the crisis and bring her back.

Mom, farewell and thank you for everything. I would not be who I am or where I am without you.

Carol and Paul Richardson

When I think of Kitty I remember her kindness, her great sense of humour and her infectious laugh! We met in the library at Dunning Faubert school where we were both volunteering. She invited me over for breakfast and that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. After she moved to Nova Scotia we kept in touch by phone calls and Christmas cards. I know how much she loves Rob and the grandchildren. Paul and I send our condolences to you Jerry, Rob and the family. You always will have wonderful memories. Paul and Carol

Shirley Beiko

Kitty had a good run in life with all the hurdles one has to overcome. It's quite an accomplishment to be married for as long as she and Jerry were. She will be missed and remembered in the years to come. We will see each other on the other side, your sister-in-law, Shirley.

Shirley Beiko

Kitty had a good run in life with all the hurdles one has to overcome. It's quite an accomplishment to be married for as long as she and Jerry were. She will be missed and remembered in the years to come. We will see each other on the other side, your sister-in-law, Shirley.

John Andersen

Hey sis, thought you were the one who would be writing something about me. Well like I have told you a million times before I love you sis and miss you dearly. Going to miss our phone calls, usually got a weeks worth of laughs in. Our e-mails and Facebook times, good for a few more laughs, and those messages on my cell phone, lol, where the hell are you John!! Thanks for putting up with me while we were growing up, and thanks to you and Jerry for spending time with me and taking me out camping and fun things like that when I was young teen going on 30 something. Thanks for being a sister to me. Say hi to dad and the rest of the family, I'm sure there will be no more tears, just be happy and continue with the laughter. See you again one day sis, love your bother John.

Amy Rizzuto

You have been my second mother for the entirety of my life. You have loved, and been loved, and will be forever. This is not goodbye, because you will live on with us. I know you are always there. You called me your angelgirl, but now, you are my angel flying free. Watch over me, and be. Thank you for the love and light you have given to me in this life you shared with me. For the guidance, the hugs, the laughter, the stories, and the tears we shared, I will be forever grateful for the person in my life that you have always been, and will continue to mean to me. My never ending love for you flows down my face in tears today. ❤️🌠🍪

Kim (Lex) Dunn

Dear Kitty, You came into our lives when a steady, reassuring presence was sorely needed. You took Tristan, Emily and especially Carly under your wing and guided them through the currents and eddies of trying times and transitional ages. You were always a friend to me as well, and there were many times your advice helped steer me in a better direction. My kids will miss you, I will miss you, but we know our lives were richer for having you in them. Thank you. Our love and yours are intertwined forever.

Carol McFee

Kitty was the first person I met when I moved to Ottawa. We met in the laundry room in the apartment building on Southvale Crescent and being Kitty, she immediately took me under her wing, showing me all around Ottawa, inviting me for coffee, and probably most important , teaching me some very rudimentary kitchen skills! We became good friends and stayed in touch over the next 45 years visiting back and forth when our kids were young and then when she and Jerry moved to Nova Scotia, through phone calls and emails. You will always be in my heart Kitty. I owe you so much.

Gavin Semple and Jennifer

Our summer holiday trips to visit Gavin's Dad and Kay in Winnipeg were always extra-special when Kitty was also there. It was a guaranteed that you were going to be laughing and joking the entire time with Kitty. She had an indomitable spirit that could cheer the whole room. We will deeply miss the opportunity to hear her laugh again. Thank you, Kitty, for bringing joy to all around you.

Jerry Beiko

I wish to thank everyone who visited this website to view photos and details on Kitty's life. Also, I would like to thank those who left a comment on how their lives intertwined with that of Kitty. There are so many stories that have evolved over the years. Did you know that not only did Kitty's life and deeds impact others but that Kitty's own life was influenced and made her a better person for knowing those around her. The various families she worked for were like extended families to us. The day's events were comparable to reading a page in a book (a possible best seller). The Celebration of Life at the Sackville Legion brought many people together to reminiscence and meet each other. The speeches were moving and emotional. Kitty was the better half of the two of us. She excelled at whatever she put her mind to. I was just along for the ride. She will be missed by all. It's difficult to imagine a life without Kitty. My love for her is eternal; I will miss her smile. May God bless her.

Brandi Cook

I have many fond memories of my Aunty Kitty. She was always so proud of Robbie...She would always sing his praises! She always treated me with the utmost of love, just as if I was one of her own kids! She was a very generous person and an amazing cook. I have many cookbooks that she has given me that she has personally autographed. She was always so proud of her name, and when introduced to new people, she would say, yes that is my real name! She always had lots of hugs and giggles. I am going to miss her. Love Brandi

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